Let's end the Yulin Dog Meat Festival Now!

Just because it’s tradition, does not make it acceptable

The Yulin dog and cat meat festival, also known as the lychee and dog meat festival, is an annual 10-day festival held in Yulin, a city in the Guangxi Province of China. It takes place during the summer solstice from June 21st to June 30th - one of the hottest weeks of the year - and can be traced back to 2009 and was started by dog meat traders as a way to boost their business.  
Eating dog meat is a tradition in China where, according to folklore, it can bring good luck and excellent health. It is also believed to have the ability to ward off diseases and enhance a man’s sexual performance. They also believe it can be better for the body, especially during the warm weather.
The number of dogs and cats that fall victim to this brutal festival is estimated at around 10,000 to 15,000 every year. However, these are only estimates. There are no official records keeping track of the number of animals slaughtered every year for the festival.
A majority of these cats and dogs are strays but many of them are also stolen, terrified pets from all over China. They will then be crammed into small, crowded wired cages and forced to travel long distances, never to see their families again.
They are deprived of basic food and water so many die along the way while others await their fate. These animals are then killed in a number of ways in front of each other. Some will be bashed in the head to render them unconscious before their throats are slit. Others will be repeatedly beaten until they are dead. While some suffer an even worse fate - being burned alive with a blowtorch or being boiled alive.
Over the years, news and media coverage is bringing more awareness to this cruel practice in China. Animal activists, celebrities and younger Chinese citizens have been increasingly vocal on their thoughts and opinions on this matter and opposing the dog eating festival and the practice in general. However, the Yulin Municipal Government has repeatedly said it is not able to stop the festival as it claims it does not exist as an official event – which is technically correct.
Moreover, the eating of dogs and cats in China is legal. Therefore, authorities are unable to take any legal actions against this practice. This has caused over 10 to 20 million dogs and cats all over China to be slaughtered for human consumption throughout the year.
Yulin resident Wang Yue stated: “Yulin’s so-called lychee and dog meat festival is just a popular custom of ours. Popular customs themselves cannot be right or wrong. Those scenes of bloody dog slaughter that you see online, I want to say that the killing of any animal will be bloody. I hope people can look at this objectively.”
You see, the thing is, when an action, practice, or tradition involves the lives of millions of innocent animals, it should not be accepted. No matter how long it has been practiced or how many people do it. Should we be forcing millions of innocent, sentient beings to die simply for our own beliefs and satisfaction?


  1. Darn!!! That is so cruel. Who'd even eat a friend or family member. This should end!!!

  2. While I personally think this is appalling and could never eat a furry friend, I've lived in Asia and understand the customs. I don't respect this one, especially the stealing of pets, but I understand it. But more power to you if you want to try and change Chinese customs.

  3. It's so cruel to handle animals without any mercy as a part of festivals amd rituals. Someone must make voice against them. Great article and thanks for sharing.

  4. That’s awesome. The guide has many things which are really awesome for many peoples. Many things are mentioned which are useful.

  5. This is awful! I've never heard of this and I can't believe they do this.

  6. This makes me sick to my stomach.

  7. Perhaps instead of changing the festival, they should increase the requirements for slaughter, so at least that aspect is more humane. There is no valid excuse for this.

    1. Hello Anna, thank you for your comment! Though, is there really a thing called "humane slaughter"? Especially when the victim is killed unnecessarily before their average lifespan is up?

  8. I know it's cultural but I still think it is cruel so I would like it to end.

  9. Animal cruelty is still a long debate, specially those who eat meat of any kinds not just dogs or cats.

  10. I mean this is cruel, and it should be stopped, but I think that might be a loosing battle, just because they will argue it's tradition, it's custom, there is no way that this could be made better, not by a long shot, it might end at some point, but I think we are a far ways away sadly.

  11. This is so cruel, the photo really really turns my stomach. Nothing changes unless someone initiates it and tries, i hope this begins to eradicate :(

  12. I cannot even wrap my head around this. I appreciate the cultural beliefs, but this is too much IMO

  13. OMG I don’t know what to say ๐Ÿ™ˆ I feel sad about those lost pets.

  14. It's too difficult to even think about it, much more see it in graphical representation.

  15. It's a real shame that this practice continues... It is inhumane and completely unnecessary.
    Elizabeth O

  16. I thinks it’s disgusting, and it’s not a Chinese tradition when started in 2009 like the article said. During this Pandemic they even show on the news the animals are sick a lot are dead and in the heat they are washing blood feces and bacteria along the floor and sidewalks. So how can that be safe for consumption? And they think dog meat gives men stamina .. wow guess they don’t eat oysters there! It’s just horrific brutality at its worst and sickening. No wonder a virus this bad has come from China, I’m not a bit surprised! I’ve read that there are no laws to protect animals sounds to me the government there is afraid to step up!

  17. I think even as a culture, that’s beyond fucked up... it’s like a reason to do whatever you want in this life. By culture People get to treat animals like they don’t feel it and do whatever to justify a very bad way to kill and eat animals. And this by far is disgusting. To treat animals that have no way to defend themselves in such a matter. I wish I could do those things to every person apart of that “culture.” Because it’s the cultures it’s what is allowed. China should be done with. Nothing they do is even good for anybody. You guys are a disgrace in every form. These are supposed to be mans best friend.

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  19. I tried fried dog once and it was excellent! I also had crispy dog stir fry with hoisin sauce and it was a culinary delight as well. The meat was so juicy that it just fell off the bone, and it was like an explosion of flavours in my tummy. We need to start promoting the wonderful cultural delights China and the Far East have to offer. Alternate meats such as horse, and Big Rat are simply delicious. People used to scoff at eating bugs and now the Americanos are dropping their fluoride water and rushing to stores to pick up some dry scorpion, or grass hoppers dipped in honey (YUM!). Say hi to Chad at Starbucks, and let him know that i have a spicy dog bone sandwich full of protein, and the leanest meat you can possibly eat. Soon America and the West will line up a Chochy's Dog Meats to pick up their weekly fill of assorted doggy meats. Love you all, Boch-Choy Lam :)

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